Social Responsibility
Occasio International Advisory Services provides support to exceptional projects that reinforce the social and economic development in Brazil.
Love.fútbol is one project that Occasio has already been supporting for several years, and believes strongly in its objectives and results. We invite everyone to learn more about this project, and to contribute as well, if possible. Love.fútbol partners with underserved communities to build soccer fields for youth without safe places to play. With relationships built in these communities, other kinds of projects, including education, health, and trainings, can therefore be introduced and also benefit the youth there.
Love.fútbol in Social Media:
TWITTER: @lovefutbolbr
FACEBOOK - Love.fútbol Brazil
FACEBOOK - Love.fútbol International
Donations to Love.fútbol, click here.
For more information about the organization, please view:
Institutional Video
• Projeto Alagoas
• Projeto Pernambuco
SITAWI Finanças do Bem is a social organization and a pioneer in the development of financial solutions for social impact, and in the analysis of the socio-environmental performance of companies and financial institutions. Occasio started supporting SITAWI in 2018, and admires the dedication of the SITAWI team, the results already achieved, and also the ambition of the organization to continue expanding its work throughout Brazil and Latin America.

For donations to SITAWI Finanças do Bem, there are two options: